Boost Raspberry Pi Performance with Turbo mode!

Over on the foundation web site, they've introduced Turbo mode, which is an update to configuration which allows up to 50% power gain without voiding your warrenty (unfortunately I've already adjusted CPU voltage on mine so no warranty for me!). It's basically a firmware update and configuration that works by applying a 'turbo configuration' when the SoC reaches 85°C. Here's how to apply the turbo configuration to your Raspberry Pi:

Updating your Raspberry Pi firmware to enable 'Turbo Mode'

From terminal enter the following command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install raspberrypi* raspi-config

Note: When running this command mine did give the impression that it had hung, give it a bit of time before you pull the power.

Configure your Raspberry Pi 'Turbo Mode'

Next launch the Raspberry Pi configuration by entering:

sudo raspi-config

You will see the familiar config options screen with a new option to overclock:


After choosing this option you'll se a warning about overclocking reducing the life of your Rasoberry Pi. Hit enter on 'OK' to proceed. This is where things get interesting.

Choosing your overclock configuration

You'll be presented with 5 overclock configurations. Everyone's needs are different so choose the configuration which you feel is right for you.


I went for the highest setting, which is 'Turbo'. You'll briefly see the command window while the configuration is applied, followed by the confirmation screen:


I don't know if the next step is neccesary, maybe you can tell me by leaving a comment below, but I restarted my Raspberry Pi at this point by entering this command:

sudo reboot

That's it! I'll be running some benchmarks soon so watch this space. There's more to this update than just overclocking; wifi issues and temperature returns are also achievable. I suggest heading over to the Raspberry Pi forum to find out more.